There are some who have not yet reach middle age but already balding.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
By the age of 50, about 50 per cent of men will suffer from male pattern baldness except for Eskimos men.
Hair is men crowning glory associated with power, virility and youth.
So, when you start to loss hair, you will also begin to lose your self-confidence, self-esteem and become self consciousness of your looks and appearance.
Here is what you need to know about your crowning glory when it begins to disappear.
How balding started?
Hair loss begins with a few extra hairs in the sink or on your comb. There are many causes of hair loss.
Balding starts at the temples and proceeds to the sides to form a letter “M” shape and then it spreads to the top of your head.
Gradual thinning of hair is a normal part of aging.
However, hair loss may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of re-growth.
When new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when hair comes out in patches.
We normally lose between 100-150 hairs per day.
Human hair naturally grows in three phases:
Anagen is the active growing phase of your hair follicles.
Scalp hair stays in this active phase of growth between two to six years.
During this stage, your hair grows about 1 cm every 28 days.
Catagen is a fairly short phase of the natural hair cycle that occurs at the end of the anagen phase during which hairs begin to break down.
It signals the end of the active growth of a hair.
This phase lasts for about 2-3 weeks while a club hair is formed.
Telogen is the resting phase and the club hair is completely formed.
This phase lasts for about 100 days.
During this stage of resting phase or late phase in the hair cycle, the follicle stops growing, prepared for the cyclic shedding and your hair begin to shrinks.
Normally your hair shed about 25-100 telogen hairs each day.
At the end of Telogen phase, the hair strand falls out and a new one begins to grow in its place.
Once a hair is shed, the growth Anagen stage begins again.
The course of each cycle varies from one individual to another.
Male Pattern Baldness
Thinning, loss of hair or male pattern baldness is known as alopecia.
When hormones (androgens) and genetics are involved it is known as androgenic alopecia, commonly called balding.
Androgenic alopecia (AGA) occurs because the anagen phase shortens.
So you continue to lose your hair as new hair did not grow enough anymore.
Male pattern alopecia is characterised by a receding hairline or hair loss on the top of the head.
Caused Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern hair loss is an inherited condition.
It is a genetically conditions caused by the sensitive effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
The reason is due to a higher level of 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which retards the anagen phase.
The production of DHT is regulated by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.
DHT shorten the growth or anagen phase of our hair cycle, causing miniaturisation of the follicles, and producing progressively finer hairs.
However, while testosterone changes into DHT on the scalp, its overall level continues to rise until men reaches the age of 70 years old.
The male hormone testosterone stimulates hair growth.
Balding men will loss hair on their scalp while at the same time gaining hair in areas that had little or no hair before.
Like the nose, ears and eyebrows.
Posted by: Mo Salle
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